Oklahoma District Church of the Nazarene, Nazarene Youth International Camps at Camp Bond

OK District NYI Camp Director: Reverend Jordan Acre

Student/Adult Registration Form & Sponsor Requirements

In order to provide a safe atmosphere for camp, all churches MUST have adult sponsors for their students (male sponsors for male students & female sponsors for female students). All sponsors MUST have a background check form turned in by the registration deadline date. Background checks should be administered by the local church.

The deadline to submit student forms, adult forms, and payment is indicated on the current announcements. Any registrations received after this date will result in the student/adult paying an additional charge for camp.

If you have any questions about camp, please contact the director by sending an email using the "Send Email" link at the top of this page.

Be in prayer with us as we anticipate the Holy Spirit transforming the lives of students!



Parental Authority to Consent to Treatment of Minor and Release of Liability Agreement


The above-named Parent of the Minor has entrusted the Minor into the care of the Agent, an adult, and a duly authorized representative of the Organization, while the Minor participates in an activity sponsored by the Organization, and for the welfare of the Minor. The Parent does hereby authorize the Agent as agent for the undersigned to consent to any X-ray, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care which is deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered to the Minor by any physician and surgeon licensed under the Medical Practice Act or the laws of the state or country in which the medical care is being sought, and on the medical staff of any hospital; or to consent to any X-ray examination, anesthetic, dental or surgical diagnosis or treatment to be rendered to the Minor by any licensed dentist in the state or country in which the dental care is being sought. It is understood that this authorization is given in advance of any X-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care being required but is given to provide authority and power on the part of the Agent to give specific consent to any and all such examination, anesthetic, treatment, or hospital care which the aforementioned surgeon, physician and/or dentist, in the exercise of his/her best judgment, may deem advisable. The Parent hereby authorizes any hospital which has provided treatment to the Minor to surrender physical custody of the Minor to the Agent upon the completion of treatment. The Parent hereby agrees to fully pay all costs of medical or dental care incurred for the Minor by the Agent, or the Organization, under this authorization. Furthermore, Parent voluntarily releases, discharges, waives and relinquishes all claims that they may have against Agent or Organization, its officers, employees and volunteers, for any and all claims, actions, or causes of action for personal injury, property damage or death occurring to Minor arising out of Organization’s administration of or failure to administer medicine or medication to Minor, save and except only those claims due to Organization’s fraud, gross negligence or willful injury to the person or property of Minor or violation of law, whether willful or negligent. These authorizations shall remain effective until December 31, 2025 (one year maximum), unless sooner revoked in writing delivered to said Agent. No oral representations or other statements have been made by or between the parties to this Agreement with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement apart from the matters set forth within this Agreement. A copy of this signed Agreement shall be binding like the original Agreement. The parent, guardian, or caregiver of a minor who is a relative of the minor and who may authorize medical care or dental care, may authorize in writing an adult into whose care a minor has been entrusted to consent to medical care or dental care, or both, for the minor.


I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS Parental Authority to Consent to Treatment of Minor and Release of Liability Agreement BETWEEN ALL PARTIES AND ORGANIZATION, AND SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL.






Minors and Parent/Guardian Express Waiver of Liability, Release, and Indemnity Agreement


I, the parent, have read the rules of conduct, the evaluation of my child’s health via the online form, and permission to participate in youth group activities. I agree my child will abide by the stated personal limitations and code of conduct. Activities may include, but are not limited to cookouts, swimming, basketball, soccer, volleyball, softball, baseball, camping, hiking, Bible studies, miniature golf. If you desire to limit your child’s participation in any event, please submit your wishes in writing to the church youth pastor prior to that event. My student has my permission to attend all youth activities sponsored by the Oklahoma District Church of the Nazarene at Camp Bond in Tishomingo, Oklahoma in 2025. This consent form gives permission to seek whatever medical attention is deemed necessary and releases the Oklahoma District Church of the Nazarene and its representatives of any liability against personal losses of named child. I/We the undersigned have legal custody of the student named below, a minor, and have given our consent for him/her to attend events being organized by the Oklahoma District Church of the Nazarene. I/We understand that there are inherent risks involved in any ministry or athletic event, and I/we hereby release the Oklahoma District Church of the Nazarene, its pastors, employees, agents, and volunteer workers from any and all liability for any injury, loss, or damage to person or property that may occur during the course of my/our child’s involvement. In the event that he/she is injured and requires the attention of a doctor, I/we consent to any reasonable medical treatment as deemed necessary by a licensed physician. In the event treatment is required from a physician and/or hospital personnel designated by the Oklahoma District Church of the Nazarene, I/we agree to hold such person free and harmless of any claims, demands, or suits for damages arising from the giving of such consent. I/We also acknowledge that we will be ultimately responsible for the cost of any medical care should the cost of that medical care not be reimbursed by the health insurance provider. Further, I/we affirm that the health insurance information provided above is accurate at this date and will, to the best of my/our knowledge, still be in force for the student named above. I/we also agree to bring my/our child home at my/our own expense should they become ill or if deemed necessary by any of the Camp Bond Directors or Oklahoma District leadership.


I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS Minors and Parent/Guardian Express Waiver of Liability, Release, and Indemnity Agreement BETWEEN ALL PARTIES AND ORGANIZATION, AND SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL.






Camp Bond Safe Guidelines


This policy applies to everyone on the grounds including campers, counselors, volunteers, and support staff. And is based on beliefs from Scripture and from the Church of the Nazarene Manual.

Beliefs on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality Camp Bond operates on a strongly held belief that the marriage relationship has been established by God as a union between one man and one woman. (Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 5:31). Camp Bond further holds that, in accordance with Scripture, sexual intimacy and sexual activity is appropriate only within the marriage relationship, between one husband and one wife. (1 Corinthians 7:2; Hebrews 13:4). Camp Bond believes God has created two distinct and complementary genders, male and female, and each person is created in accordance with God’s perfect design (Genesis 1:27; Matthew 19:4). Accordingly, Camp Bond views the following behaviors as inappropriate and contrary to Scripture:

  •  Any sexual intimacy or sexual act between individuals who are not married to one another.
  • Any marriage or civil union that is not between one man and one woman.
  • Any attempt to adopt or present as a different gender than that assigned at birth.
  • Any other activity, teaching, or behavior that is contrary to a biblical view of marriage, gender, and/or appropriate behavior as outlined in this provision.

Camp Bond and all individuals involved in Camp Bond operations, activities, and events are expected to uphold the ministry’s perspective on marriage, gender, sexual intimacy, and appropriate behavior as set forth in this provision. Individuals and organizations who desire to use Camp Bond’s facilities must also act in accordance with this provision.

Personal Conduct

Camp Bond has implemented the following Personal Conduct guidelines in keeping with Camp Bond’s beliefs on Scripture and Article 31 of the Church of the Nazarene Manual.

  • If your sex at birth is male, you will be in the male cabins. If your sex at birth is female, you will be in the female cabins.
  • No students are allowed to share beds. No sponsors are allowed to share beds, unless in married housing. No sponsors are allowed to share beds with students.  Everyone must stay in their own individual bed.
  • If your sex at birth it male, you will use the male bath house or the bathroom in the male cabin. If your sex at birth is female, you will use the female bath house or the bathroom in the female cabin.
  • Only one person per shower stall or cabin bathroom.
  • A sponsor is not allowed to be alone with a student.
  • Two students are not allowed to be alone together in the cabins or any secluded locations.
  • No holding hands, kissing, or embracing.
  • No talking about sexual encounters, plans, or fantasies.
  • No drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vapes, guns, knives, fireworks, explosives, or pornography.
  • All students and sponsors should wear modest clothing and swimwear. Guys cannot walk around the campground shirtless. Bikinis and sports bras must have a non-white shirt covering them. Sleeveless shirts cannot be cut down the sides. Tank tops and shirts must cover past the waistline. Shorts must fully cover the bottom.

Camp Bond is a part of the Church of the Nazarene; therefore, the Manual for the Church of the Nazarene is the governing document for the camp.




Students Rules and Expectations:

  • No students are allowed to share beds. No sponsors are allowed to share beds, unless in married housing. No sponsors are allowed to share beds with students. Everyone must stay in their own individual bed.
  • No girls in boys’ cabins and no boys in girls’ cabins. Only be in your assigned cabin.
  • Free time is not nap time. Students shouldn’t be hanging out in the cabins.
  • No pranks of any kind are allowed
  • Only one person per shower stall or cabin bathroom.
  • A sponsor is not allowed to be alone with a student.
    • If a sponsor and student need to have a conversation privately, try to find a place that is still visible. If one is not available, let the Camp Director know and we can find a space for you.
  • Two students are not allowed to be alone together in the cabins or any secluded locations.
  • No public displays of affection.
  • No inappropriate or explicit conversations
  • No Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, Vapes, Guns, Knives, Fireworks, Explosives, or Pornography. Any of this will result in immediate removal from the camp and must be tuned in.
  • All students and sponsors should wear modest clothing and swimwear.
  • Any dress code issues or concerns can/should be addressed with the Camp Director if needed.
  • Male Sponsors should not address dress codes issues directly to female students.
  • If an issue occurs, please see the Camp Director for appropriate ways to approach the situation.
  • Guys cannot walk around the campground shirtless.
  • Bikinis and Sports Bras must have a non-white shirt covering them.
  • Sleeveless shirts cannot be cut down the sides.
  • All medications must be turned into the Camp Nurse at Check in. Medicine should be in their original bottles with all prescription details and labeled clearly. This includes non-prescription meds.
    • Tylenol, Benadryl, etc.
    • Epi pens and inhalers are kept on person.
  • Cell phones will be allowed for students and sponsors. But we encourage you to be present and put the cell phones away. Sponsors call for individual churches.
  • Students are not allowed on golf carts.




Parent/Guardian First Name


Parent/Guardian Last Name





Parent/Guardian Signature




By electronically signing your name in the space above, the Parent or Guardian consents to the use of electronic signatures on this release of liability, indemnity agreement, and consent to authorize treatment, and any amendments to any of the foregoing (collectively, the “Event Registration”). Parent or Guardian agrees that any electronic signatures appearing on the Event Registration are the same as handwritten signatures for the purposes of validity, enforceability, and admissibility, and that any electronically signed document shall, for all purposes of the Event Registration and applicable law, be deemed to be “written” or “in writing”, to have been executed, and to constitute an original written record when printed, and shall be fully admissible in any legal proceeding.







Attendee’s Signature